Posts Tagged ‘electronic component’

What is a resistor?

April 20, 2010

In electronics, one of the most fundamental component to encounter is the resistor. From the word itself, it create resistance to a circuit – a resistance to current.

The ability to control the flow of electrons is the central part of electronics. So as to say that a resistor with a simple load will be enough to be an electronic circuit.

Aside from its ability to resist the flow of current, it can also control potential difference or voltage. The best example is the application of voltage divider using resistor.

As you go beyond the arena of electronics. you’ll be accustomed to encounter resistors. Even in the most sophisticated application, always remember that a resistor is use to control two electrical elements – current and voltage. It’s no hard if you know the fundamentals. Upon your circuit design you’ll need to implement and use resistors. I’ll give two examples –  resistor used as a current limiter for an LED and a resistor used as a voltage divider in a circuit.

As you can see in the schematic. We have a 5v supply, an LED and a resistor. There’s a separate discussion for LED. A typical LED consumes approximately 2v

to be continued…