Archive for the ‘Software’ Category

Invisible in Yahoo Messenger? Let’s hunt them…

May 9, 2009

There are times that I need to talk to certain friends in YM. However, there are situations that they signed in as invisible. This prompt me to search if there is a way to know their real status.

And I found one ^_^

Where do I get computer viruses?

May 9, 2009

H1N1/Swine flu virus is the pandemic threat we are facing right now. In line with that, let us talk about computer virus. Where do I get it?

I noticed that there are two primary sources of computer virus that inflicted my computer.

  1. USB storage devices
  2. Internet

This is easy to understand. There must be a way on how the software(virus) penetrated your system. It is ‘almost’ impossible that your PC will generate it’s own virus. Unless you are doing some research and development (R&D) about viruses.

As a preliminary measure, I am very cautious in inserting USB storage devices to my PC. As much as possible, I avoid it. And when it comes to the internet, I only visit websites that are known to be safe.

If you don’t want to have computer virus, linux is a safe place for you not to be infected. That’s why i used linux in browsing.


May 9, 2009

According to a computer magazine I’ve read few weeks ago, one of the trend in 2009 in the field of computer is virtualization. Then what? What is virtualization?

Virtualization, in layman’s term, is having a PC inside a PC. Like what you see in the image above. There is a Windows XP running inside a Windows Vista (virtualization is not exclusive in windows). How can it be possible? There’s a specialized software that will create a virtual machince inside your own computer system. Since it is a virtual machine, it doesn’t physically exist. Though, this Virtual Machine has the capability like any other real computer system like storage, act as a server, etc. Therefore, it is has the power of a real PC set.
I suggest for you to have further readings with this technology.

I tried this technology last February 2009 using Virtual PC (microsoft). However, my attempt to install Linux failed. Because of laziness, I didn’t continue my exploration. After a month, I decided to create again a virtual machine. This time, by using VMware.

What is the result of my experimental research about virtualization? I loss my internet connection. This is my funny experience in VMware.

I am not discouraging you to try virtualization but I tell you, do some researches before doing it.

With regards to my loss of network (internet connection), I am not sure if it is the firewall of AVG 8.0 or the VMware that brought my connection problem.